• Students must attend lectures, practical’s, tutorials, etc. as per the Time Table. They must not abstain themselves from classes, practices, tutorials, examinations etc. without written permission of the Principal. Students whose attendance and/or progress in various tests and examinations is not satisfactory and who do not perform the required number of tutorials and/or practical are likely to lose their terms. Students who do not submit compulsory project work in subject are likely to lose their term. Prolonged absence even on grounds of ill health may also lead to loss of terms. Defaulters will not be sent up for University Examinations.
  • The Identity Card is meant for identifying bonafide students and is used for permitting the student to enter college campus and to participate in various activities and programs of the College. Every Student should carry their valid college Identity card whenever in college or representing the college at any other place. Further, it should be produced whenever demanded by any of the college staff. She/he must take proper care of it to avoid its misuse by other students and outsiders. In case the Identity Card is lost, the matter should be immediately reported to the Principal and a complaint should be lodged to the Police and an application with the photocopy of NC should be submitted for a duplicate Identity Card, which will be issued on payment of charges.
  • During the conduct of lectures, students should not loiter in and around the college premises.
  • The college does enforce a dress code on all working days except on Wednesday. However, all students are expected to observe decorum with regards to both clothing and behavior on Wednesday.
  • While representing the college at any other place, the student’s behavior should not be detrimental to the image of the college.
  • In case of any problem, personal or academic, students should report to the Prof-in-charge of their respective class or the Vice-Principal, who will help them solve their problems.
  • Students shall not bring any outsiders to the college premises.
  • Students shall not collect any fund from other students or from outsiders without the written permission of the Principal.
  • Students shall not organize picnics, excursion, trips etc. without prior written permission of the Principal.
  • The powers relating to the disciplinary action in the college will rest with the Principal and his decision in this respect shall be final. Anyone who violates the code of conduct will be severely dealt with accordingly.
  • Students should not write on benches/walls and should help in maintaining the learning environment neat and clean.
  • Use of mobile phones is prohibited in college premises and any violation will be treated as Misconduct
  • Playing music on Transistors, Tape-recorders, Car-stereos, Mobile Telephones or any other similar gadgets with or without earphones is strictly prohibited in the College premises. Defaulters will be punished and their instrument confiscated.
  • No student will be allowed to conduct any political activity in the College premises
  • All meetings, cultural programs, debates, elocutions, etc. organized on the College premises must be held in presence of teaching staff members and with the prior permission of the Principal. The subjects of debates/elocutions must have the prior approval of the Principal.
  • Students must take proper care of the College property. Strict action will be taken against the student/s damaging College property and will be required to compensate the damage.
  • Students involved in malpractices at the College / University Examinations will not be admitted to the College.
  • Hand book of Our college for code of conduct Download